My Spiritual Journey

The Early years

I was sensitive and often saw spirits when I was a child. I would regularly see a lady in the downstairs toilet in my childhood home but eventually overtime this stopped and I forgot about this phase until I started to have spiritual encounters as a teenager. Like many other light workers I have spoken to along my journey, during my childhood I subconsciously turned off the spiritual switch and went on with fitting in with ‘normal’ life. I was always able to make friends and have lots of hobbies but always felt like something was missing.

Teenage years

There was a lovely lady who worked at the local library where I would often go to find books for school projects. It was during these trips that the lady shared some photos of an angel who had visited her and left a beautiful giant imprint of an angel on her window. She explained that this happened after her doing a guided mediation that was demonstrated on a morning tv show whilst she was doing her ironing and in that instant I remembered everything I used to see as a child and knew the lady’s photos were real. From this moment I began to have spiritual encounters sporadically through my teen years such as clear knowing that loved ones were going to pass over into spirit, having lucid psychic dreams about events that would come to fruition  and my spirit team occasionally making themselves known to me. I didn’t like that I knew when loved ones were passing over into spirit and at that time I thought I was only seeing the negative events. One event in particular cemented this thought, which was when I woke up one morning having had the most realistic ‘dream’ that my local post office was being robbed by gunpoint which I initially thought was a really odd dream as I never dream about anything violent but unfortunately this vision did actually happen with thankfully no casualties. I didn’t like seeing the ‘bad things’ and decided that spirituality wasn’t for me and I switched off the spiritual switch, not realising that I would later discover it was my life purpose.


Twenties +

My switch was well and truly off at this point apart from the occasional key moments where I had clear knowing that someone was being deceitful to me or loved ones in spirit would visit me in my dreams. It wasn’t until I reached my mid twenties when I went to get my eyebrows done and the beauty therapist told me about a mediumship reading she had over the weekend and passed on the mediums details. I ended up having my first ever reading and it absolutely blew my mind, I felt so at peace and received great healing from the messages I received. I started to see white light around people, which I now know to be the start of me developing my ability to see auras and chakras, but at the time I didn’t have a clue what I was seeing so kept this to myself. From this point I began feeling energy off crystals and nature and invested in exploring energy a bit further by attending an Usui reiki course. Although I had dabbled with spirituality in my spare time, I carried on with all the ‘normal’ stuff of buying a house and working my way up the career ladder but always felt like there was something missing but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

That was until I became unwell in my late twenties and eventually got diagnosed with a chronic health condition, subsequently slowing down the pace of my life which enabled me to experience the extraordinary. The slow pace, and often sleepy state of consciousness, provided the perfect elements for my spiritual switch to flick on and thankfully at a time when I was open and ready to receive the gifts that I had been ignoring for so long. I was able to see so much more than I ever had before and had the beautiful experience of my Nan appearing to me in spirit, during a really difficult time in my life. This experience along with others, really confirmed for me that I couldn’t ignore the gifts I had been blessed with and felt it was time to embrace them for the benefit of Myself and others. During this journey of awakening, angels, ascended masters and other spirit guides began to communicate with me and thankfully lead me to embrace my gifts, complete courses and learn the skills to start this beautiful new chapter in my life. 

I look forward to supporting you on your healing journey.

Get in touch to book your appointment.

Chantelle 🌻💕



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